December 2014 – “What does ‘carbon neutral’ mean?” It’s a great question, and today the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and American Wood Council (AWC) have launched a new web video explaining the concept – from a biomass energy users’ perspective – in only 90 seconds.
The video is available here:
Paper and wood products manufacturing facilities use all parts of the raw material to not only manufacture products used in everyday life, but also create more than two-thirds of the energy needed to do so. Most often, this involves using manufacturing residuals and combined heat and power technology to maximize efficiency and provide tremendous greenhouse gas reduction benefits.
Want to know more? Watch the video, and pass it along!
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About AF&PA
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance a sustainable U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, and wood products manufacturing industry through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. AF&PA member companies make products essential for everyday life from renewable and recyclable resources and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative – Better Practices, Better Planet 2020. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 4 percent of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufactures about $210 billion in products annually, and employs nearly 900,000 men and women. The industry meets a payroll of approximately $50 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 47 states. Visit AF&PA online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper.
About AWC
The American Wood Council (AWC) is the voice of North American wood products manufacturing, representing over 75 percent of an industry that provides more than 360,000 men and women with family-wage jobs. AWC members make products that are essential to everyday life from a renewable resource that absorbs and sequesters carbon. Staff experts develop state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and standards for wood products to assure their safe and efficient design, as well as provide information on wood design, green building, and environmental regulations. AWC also advocates for balanced government policies that affect wood products.